Friday 3 October 2008

Impressions - 3.10.08

Impressions are an important part of our everyday assumptions. By a way of acting and fashion, an individual gives off a different vibe to each passer-by. These first initial moments can be crucial depending on who you are trying to impress. Employers will judge an interviewee within the first 7 seconds of them walking into the room. We judge people on the way they look by not even realising it. When walking down the road of a dark night and young group of teenagers walk by, the instant reaction is worry. This is due to stereotypical views given through the media.

Impressions are made on a face to face basis but ideas of people personalities can be investigated by different possessions that they own. Belk’s theory believed that our possessions give detail into our personalities. 'We are what we have.' This can be experimented by a group bringing in a personal possession, not seeing each others object, choosing and discussing what they think the person is like. After doing this in the Lecture, this enabled me to see the way in which stereotypes and personal experiences come into place. If a teddy is brought in, it is automatically thought to be a female owner and a toy car a male. These typical stereotypes then develop either into the correct personality or the wrong one. An example of personal experience, a belt was brought in and due to having a younger brother who would have worn this belt and is quite into fashion I assumed the person would also be, this not being the case.

I am expecting the course to give me greater detail of why customers think a certain way when a certain image is shown to them. This would then allow me to develop in my advertising skills to show them what I want them to think.

Right, so this was my first blog ever and I’m sure to be updating it every week about the fun lectures I will be attending over the next year.

1 comment:

Ruth Hickmott said...

"enduring" ??? Thanks! This is great - a lovely write up of the session and a great writing style. Well done.