Sunday 22 February 2009

Enterprise Week - 21-11-08

During enterprise week I attended 3 different presentations about the world of marketing communications. They enabled me to meet people from the industry and begin my networking. They gave different tips and opinions about how to enter the industry, enjoy every moment!

What next?

Eight members of the industry joined us, enabling us to ask questions about any part of the industry. Don Cowley, part founder of the Account Planning Group, media planner and account planner. Jayne Barr, founder of Creative consulting Ltd working with BA, Clarks, Aviva and Shell. Andrew Canter CEO and founder of Contentworx, also lecturing at universities. Steve Cox, media director Titan outdoor and a founder member of Radio Advertising Bureau. Rob Lawerence after graduating in 1994 moved from managing broadcast business to strategic Director. Jamie Matthews set up INITALS in May 2006 with Kevin Twitty and won Best Newcomer Agency Award for 2008. Ivor Peters Managing Director of Primal PR, since 1993 creating award winning campaigns. Allan Rich spent his 45 year working life in advertising and is excutive director of Cello Group.
‘ Well run business will always survive a recession’ – Allan Rich

Through the recession companies have to concentrate on what they do best. Allan Rich explained three things:
1. Focus on the Brands that are most likely to survive.
2. Concentrate on 100 Brands
3. Businesses do the same, concentrate on what they do best.
Ivor Peters explained that it is not just about getting the brand in the best magazine but the best way to communicate the brand.
1. Measurement – Measure what they do.
2. Accountability – Are they going to be transparent.
3. Innovation – Enthusiasm for the Brand.

‘Everything starts with the consumer’ Andrew Canter
Advertising has to adapt to time, a 30 second advert does not work in the same way that it used to. Digital concepts have begun to take over, digital screens on the underground and buses. Other countries are using digital but in different ways.
‘Advertising is a powerful source’ Steve Cox


The graduates talk was interesting as it enabled me to see where they had got to after they had completed their degree. These are the main points I got from the speech and will be able to use in the future.
· Digital – Everything will change to digital. Need to be able to understand and use it.
· Networking – Get out and make your name heard.
· Employers want – Creative minds, understand company, able to try anything.
o Change CV depending on what interview/company you are applying for.
Dissertation is your calling card!! Do something passionate about so you wont loose interest and will be proud of it at the end.
Get out what you put in!!

Advertising’s Role in a More Complex World

Tom Vick – Group Business of Leading Communications agency JWT London
1991 – 2 or 3 channels
Phone, Fax, Face to Face – No mobile!!
Though technology is new media, this does not mean its the end for traditional media, they just have to fight for their spot! They need to deliever message effectively. Oldest form of advertising now seen as new – Word Of Mouth.

Online killed TV Killed Radio Killed Press Killed Post

5 Point Plan
· Forget above and below the line
· Definition of advertising – ‘the action or practise of drawing attention of public.’
· Restructure companies around brand nor the company or geographic.
· Education of older markers. Mixture of learning and discipline. Understand Business!
· Learn from the Youth, young staff to train older employees. They have grown up using this technology.
The future holds an interesting future with advertising and younger people have mobiles, and technology is developing rapidly. The credit crunch is causing strange changes within the industry, so its all very exciting!!

This week I tried to find an advert that was someone presenting an idea to a panel, like an agency would do a client. I found the Orange advert with Darth Vader, this worked so well because of the status Vader has and use humour contrasting with the Star Wars collection.