Monday 23 February 2009

Family 20-02-09

What is family?
In the 1960s families were the individuals that you lived with and were closest to. Nowadays the idea of family has moved to not only those blood related but those extremely close friends. I find this easy to relate to as one of my closest friends is seen as my sister and my family see her as another daughter and sister.

Nuclear Family – father, mother and children who live together in the same house. Typically in the UK there are 2 adults and 2 children, where as in china it is 2 adults and 1 child.
Extended Family – nuclear family plus other relatives such as grandparents, aunts etc. in the 21st century these relative can live all around the globe.
Family of Orientation – the family you are born into.
Family of Procreation – the family founded through marriage.

Family structure has changed over the past decade with an increasing number of birth outside marriage, increase in divorce rate, increase in step families and increasing number of widowed living alone. All of these linking into one another and the way in which the birth rate used to and how it changes. There are increasing widowed women as men have a shorter life expencency and these are the over 50s. There are a large population of them making them a large group for marketers to aim for.

Nowadays in Britain there are two breadwinners within the household,1/4 of married women work at lease 30 hours, causing Britain to have the highest women employment rate in Europe. This then leads to their children becoming latch key (have their own key to house) allowing them to do what they want when they get in from school. This also allows marketers to target women as they have more disposable income to spend.
This advert uses the problems in society to market towards couple who are staying together but may have problems using these products as a way of keeping the couple together.

In the 1960s the model of the family life cycle (FLC) was put together, each individual regardless of age goes through each of these stages. Sometimes they can go through them more than once.

Stage Title Characteristics

1 Bachelor Young, Single, Not living at home
2 Newly married Young, No Children
3 Full nest I Youngest child under 6
4 Full nest II Youngest child 6 or over
5 Full nest III Older married with dependent children
6 Empty nest I Older married, no children living at home
7 Empty nest II Older married, Retired, No children living at home
8 Solitary survivor I In labour force
9 Solitary survivor II Retired

Nowadays this model is being questioned due to the divorce rate and those who do not get married or have children. This is the new version of the FLC showing different stages that have become increasingly popular in the 21st Century.
Within the family different individuals play different roles. Field (1969) identified three dimensions who each influence a decision.
Discernment – know about the product
Price – who pays
Satisfaction – who uses
In the 60s the father would be the one who worked and brought home the money. The man earns and the woman spends. In the 21st century the women also brings home money so when deciding on certain products an individual can be one or all of Fields dimensions.

Family Buying Organisation

When buying a product individually consumers go through the buyer decision process, when a family wants to buy something each person have a different piece of input to make an influence on the final outcome. This table shows the different roles when planning a family holiday.
Role What they do? Who?
Gatekeeper Has information Mother, Father, Children
User Who will be going Mother, Father, Children
Influencer Ideas of where to go Anyone
Buyer Who will pay Mother, Father
Decider Makes final choice Mother, Father (this can change depending on the family)

Below, this diagram shows the different husband and wife influences when buying a product.

The fridge is slightly towards the wife as she will want it to match with the rest of the appliances in the kitchen. The husbands clothing is towards the wife more than hers is towards him as she will buy him cloths as stereotypically men are less fussy about pants and socks than women are about their cloths. This diagram was created in 1974 when there was typically the traditional family of Father goes to work, mother does everything else and there are two children. Children having no influence on what is bought. A more recent study shows that children have larger influence on techniqueial products than the mother.

It is seen that the children know more about technology than the mother so would have a bigger influence. This shows how the development has changed from just the parents to the whole family.

This advert shows the different aspects of family life from growing up to playing in the adventure parks. This advert relates to anyone as pizza hut aims at a large audience – this adverts aims at family and somewhere they can go together.


Ruth Hickmott said...

This is really good work - thanks. You demonstrate a very clear understanding of the topic

Husna said...

Good exhibit of the family cycle.